23 Jul

Environment is anything that surrounds us while pollution is releasing of harmful substances to the environment. In our community there is a lot of pollution brought about by so many things and because of this the slums are always unhygienic.

The first problem is poor waste management. This has affected several people because hips of garbage is always next to the shanties where people live and many are the times when younger children would go out and play around with the garbage and therefore exposing them to diseases. This problem is basically manifested because people luck the amenities where they could dispose the waste and therefore they end up throwing them everywhere.

Lack of better toilets is also a major problem and the few that are available can’t support the entire slum population. The problem is propelled even further with the fee that they charge though small, some cannot afford it and therefore they do it on papers then through them away.

Housing and the high rents that is manifested in the slums around Nairobi is also an issue of concern. Additionally there is always lack of space so people end up building the small shanties everywhere so that they could at least get a place toile their heads.

These are some of the problems that we encounter in kibagare slum which is my resident. In which although people are to be blamed for lack of interest and knowledge in the issues and how they can be dealt with. The government should help by providing garbage damping kits or bags this will enhance proper waste management. Various measures should also be taken to curb the vice like putting up a legislative framework, advocacy campaigns geared towards proper waste management and also encouraging people to practice good hygiene in the slums.


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Posted by on July 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


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